About Me!

I started my blog in the summer of 2010 without really knowing what I wanted to do with it. All I knew is I wanted to blog! But as I became familiar with following and searching, I quickly discovered networks of people who love reading and writing like I do! It's been great! So on my blog you will find review of YA (sometimes I read out of this genre) and will go on the journey with me as I try to get published!

I recently published my second novel. I am doing my best to promote it. If you want to help, you can email me at mf060784 at gmail. I would love you to help!

I teach middle school English in a small town so I try and stay up on all things YA, and secretly thrilled I have this excuse to read this genre all the time. I am a mom and teacher, so writing is a passion that I try to squeeze in. I have a new contemporary in the works (well - I started it like 6 years ago) and about several in the back of my brain.

Some none reading and writing!

This year 2013 - I got married and had a baby! She's beautiful.

I am an avid dog lover. If there is a dog in my vicinity, I will be on the ground playing, petting, and loving. I cannot resist! I have a collie (Lady Fergilious aka Fergie) and an Italian mastiff (Mia). And I think we might be toying with the idea of a third one... secretly hoping for a St. Bernard.

I was a dancer for 16 years so I am always fascinated by it: music, style, rythum, costume, everything! Music is also a big aspect of my life, you wont walk into my house without music playing in some room!